Patient outcomes guidance in immunology Image 1

Patient outcomes guidance in immunology

Problem: how to show value internally

Patient engagement and support solutions are becoming more widely used by pharmaceutical companies and other major health stakeholders in order to offer patients 360° support in their everyday lives and improve patient outcomes.
In this context it is critical to leverage data from patient solutions in order to evaluate their performance, encourage constant improvement and demonstrate their impact on patient health outcomes.
Our client, a global patient-centricity team in immunology from a top-15 pharmaceutical company, came to Observia to better understand how to help its affiliates consistently demonstrate the value of their patient services to each stakeholder.

Solution: clear guidance highlighting main indicators & metrics

The guidance responded to two critical challenges: ensuring consistency across affiliates and offering managers a user-friendly methodology to ensure a facilitated collection of relevant patient outcomes data, while respecting associated legal requirements.
A co-construction initiative was led by the Observia team, who collaborated with the different departments (medical, marketing, market access, patient advocacy, regulatory, and legal) to understand the purpose of the guidance and how it could be used by local managers. Based on their feedback, the client’s patient’s strategy and specific value proposition requirements (payers, patients & HCPs), Observia’s team built a user-friendly document incorporating our international expertise on these subjects. Finally, a complete methodology, listing each patient outcomes indicator and measurement tool was developed.
Once completed, the guidance was integrated into an eLearning tool for global distribution across countries.

  • Simplicity
  • Evidence-based
  • Integrated into existing tools


It was a great initiative. When it comes to capturing the impact services can have on the lives of patients, there are abundant opportunities to show value and a number of great, validated measurement tools to support your objectives. Providing a menu of such tools helps to narrow down the right choices for your KPI strategy.
Kevin Maples
Consulting Manager at Observia


Align on client's strategy and project objectives
Understand how the guidance will be used
Validate the dos and don'ts
Co-create and review the guidance
Ensure proper distribution and adoption by the teams


The Patient Outcomes Guidance offers PSP managers in charge of data collection a framework to support them in their decision-making and provides clear definitions of each indicator and measurement tool.



The guidance provides a solution to the following challenges:

  • We do not know what to measure
  • We do not understand clearly the value we want to provide
  • We do not know what we are allowed to capture in terms of patient insights

It allows internal teams, both global and local, to take a step back before developing and deploying any e-health solution to precisely identify how the impact will be monitored, how the data will be used to improve the solution, and how the value to the market will be communicated.

Download the success story


See also

Scientific communications

A multiple-cohort analysis of the SPUR 6/24 patient-reported adherence tool


Clinical Ink and Observia: Pioneering Personalized Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials


By your side in 2024: Happy Holidays from Observia!

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