
Observia digital patient service designer

Problem : How to structure a strategic vision for your patient initiatives?

In the healthcare industry, the shift towards patient-centricity and beyond-the-pill services is now well-established. There is a clear need for patient support, particularly between consultations when patients lack guidance about disease management.

Beyond-the-pill solutions can improve patient adherence, stay-time on medication, and have a positive impact on patient health outcomes. They can also support healthcare provider efforts to prescribe treatment and serve to differentiate a product or brand from the competition.That being said, what is the best way to structure a clear strategic vision? How can you ensure your future patient services will be carefully designed and follow best market practices?


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See also

White papers

Beyond DTx: Is Pharma Missing the Bigger Picture in Digital Health?

Scientific communications

A multiple-cohort analysis of the SPUR 6/24 patient-reported adherence tool


Clinical Ink and Observia: Pioneering Personalized Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials

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