Pharma: let’s become healthcare providers - Etienne Tichit
Small Talk Big Issues is a mini web-series of interviews focusing on how to revolutionize healthcare and build next generation digital patient support.
What are we talking about?
For Etienne Tichit, pharma has a role to play in the healthcare system and answers can be found through digital healthcare solutions. Listen to what he has to say and why he believes a company such as Novo Nordisk must move from being an industry to being a healthcare provider.
If the pharma industry wants to play an active role in the healthcare system, we need to invest the digital space to speed up decision making, speed up the testing, and allowing some space for having solutions that are evolving all the time rather than having a perfect solution from day one.
Who is Etienne Tichit?
Etienne Tichit is the CEO and Corporate Vice President of Novo Nordisk France. Pharmacist with a degree from INSEAD, he also has a Master of Pharmaceutical Marketing from Harvard Business School.
Listen to Etienne
Kevin will ask Etienne five questions:
➀ “What do you think is still missing in terms of actual patient support?” [1:11]
➁ “Do you think that moving forward digital patient support is going to have to be holistic with respect to the comorbid patients or is there still room for a diabetes-only program?” [5:09]
➂ “Paul Simms, our first guest, stated that pharma is going to have difficulties making that digital transformation turn. What do you think?”[7:05]
➃ “What do you think is the rational for the pharmaceutical industry as a whole, to actually invest in going beyond-the-pill and providing patient support?” [9:50]
➄ “Was there a Eureka moment, where you said “you should be doing more in this area?”[14:22]
See also

Beyond DTx: Is Pharma Missing the Bigger Picture in Digital Health?

A multiple-cohort analysis of the SPUR 6/24 patient-reported adherence tool