
Integrating adherence data to patient diagnosis - Anoop Chauhan

Small Talk Big Issues is Observia's mini web-series of interviews about the healthcare (r)evolution. 

Who is Anoop Chauhan ? 

Professor Chauhan has been Director of Research and Innovation at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust since 2009. He has driven an exponential growth in research within the trust and developed a reputation within both the commercial sector and academia for the delivery of high quality research and innovation in healthcare technologies.
As a research active consultant in respiratory medicine, Professor Chauhan has offered high numbers of patients the opportunity to participate in research and clinical trials developed by his team in Portsmouth. He has introduced innovations in clinical pathways, developed new models of care and demonstrated a positive impact on disease control, quality of life, healthcare usage and health economic benefits in patients with respiratory conditions. 

#1 Considering non-adherence as a comorbidity 

Non-adherence is an underestimated problem in the healthcare sector. Physicians and clinicians should integrate adherence issues into patients diagnostics.
Today non-compliance should be considered as a real comorbidity.

How can healthcare professionals incorporate this idea in their work? 

#2 Digital to enhance patient/clinician communication

For Professor Chauhan, knowing more about patients’ habits and lifestyle would be very useful to make them get the maximum benefits of their treatment.
Digital appears as a very good option, not to replace patient/HCP conversation, but to enhance it and collect information.

How could we use digital to help HCPs know their patients better? 

#3 The importance of HCP/patient relationship on adherence 

The relationship between a healthcare professional and his or her patient is of prime importance. Discovering patients' individual stories enables HCPs to assess their risk of non-adherence and deliver optimal and tailored patient support. 
Professor Anoop Chauhan shares with us his experience and efforts on better understanding severe asthmatic patients.

How can communication help assess the risk of non-adherence? 

Listen to Professor Anoop Chauhan full interview on our Youtube Channel.


See also

White papers

Beyond DTx: Is Pharma Missing the Bigger Picture in Digital Health?

Scientific communications

A multiple-cohort analysis of the SPUR 6/24 patient-reported adherence tool


Clinical Ink and Observia: Pioneering Personalized Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials

Accès plateformes